Youtube show

Cooking with my Baba Jaan

Hi friends, this is a personal post. My father, Yousef has been dreaming of opening a restaurant for quite some time. We decided that another way to fulfill this dream is to share his kitchen with the world, and so, he made a cooking show on Youtube. It’s Persian centric, it’s wholesome, it’s relaxed, it’s a bit like mediation.

Please consider subscribing, liking and commenting, and of course, please pass it forward! Click the image below.

Love ya’ll

The Passing of A Friend - Things w/ Amir Motlagh Ep10

Was not going to do one of these this week, but then I figured that, knowing Chris, he would have been like, "fuck you dude, do one of these on me!" 

I just pulled up our last text message, in which he states that I owe him a Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles dinner. I can't seem to recall why?

Still working out some audio drop-outs, but I think I figured that out. If you're interested in getting your weekly (bi-weekly) dose of these, please subscribe. 

Christopher Ad Castillo:

Celso Ad. Castillo:

MIRS video we co-directed on the set of his film LosAngeles7:

RIP Christopher Ad. Castillo