
Sales on Films on Vimeo on Demand until August 10th....

in the spirit of THREE WORLDS theatrical LA run at Laemmle Friday, August 4th-10th, there is a heavy discount on Vimeo on Demand for some of my work that is available on that service for people that are distant & or curious, or just chill like that.

not only THREE WORLDS but the 2018 sister film MAN and others….

this link will take you to the page….

w/ love & presence

THREE WORLDS - Film Poster

MAN - Film Poster

Amir Motlagh films now available on the streaming platform Tubi

Just a quick update I was alerted about a few days ago. Four of my feature works are now available on the US Streaming Platform Tubi, including THREE WORLDS (2018), MAN (2018), WHALE (2010) & RAINBOW SEASON (2019). Like most of these distro services, it is time-bound.

I believe Tubi is North America only, but, VPN, maybe….i dunno?

Cheers & enjoy the beautiful day my friend….

2018 in short review....

This was a wonderful year for us at ANIMALS & we are stoked that you shared it with us! Here is the short review:

  • We released two feature films: THREE WORLDS & MAN (both also avail on Amazon Prime in all English speaking territories along with several other major platforms). One of these we shouldered for close to 5 years. This also concluded the THREE MARKS TOO MANY SIGNALS series of works that started with the release of CANYON in 2016.

  • We re-released an HD update of my 2010 feature film WHALE (Amazon Prime & other platforms avail as well).

  • We released two soundtracks (OST) for both films on all major music platforms. (THREE WORLDS / MAN)

  • We re-released a collection of Mirs singles into a short full length record called Singles 1218 (including two all new tracks from 2018 ((Saturday / Hafiz Drinks from the Cup of Time V1)) available on all major music platforms)

  • We released the Mirs Visual Short Film, what do you know of water’s worth while standing on the banks of the euphrates” - This was technically a 2017 release, but it was close enough to a year to date to include here.

  • We almost got done with two other major releases, but they had to be pushed into 2019, both around 90% finished. These two where brought into life by incredible stretches of faith & ample serendipity.

We look forward to a wonderful 2019, and are busy with new works, new collaborations and new possibilities. I want to thank everyone who we worked with us this year and all the incredible talent we collaborated with on these projects in a plethora of capacities, and to everyone who shared and helped us push our agenda forward.

Thank you deeply and with the sincerest gratitude,



Two interviews - Filmwax Radio and Keeping it Reel this week

This week, I interviewed with the might FILMWAX RADIO podcast hosted by Adam Schartoff and Chicago critic, David Fowlie's film discussion site, KEEPING IT REEL

Both discussions centered around my latest feature films (MAN + Three Worlds) that are preview screening in Chicago today (4/21) at Chicago Filmmakers. Both were gracious in having me on.

The FILMWAX podcast runs roughly an hour and includes Vera Farmiga and Tommy Avallone as guests before my segment. You can just my segment of the FILMWAX interview here. Though I think you should just subscribe to the FILMWAX podcast because it's excellent.




Will be a guest on FILMWAX radio later this month in support of the new projects

As part of the promotional run for the 4/21 double feature screening, I got invited to do the popular film podcast, FILMWAX Radio. The episode should air later this month. 

My producing partner Charles goes in to film an interview segment with CHICAGO FILM NEWS later this week.

All in all, things are moving along on getting these films out into the public space. We have gotten several distribution offers (for the only film we are showing to companies right now), and are weighing our options.

My real drive at the moment is showing these films together since they are all part of the same series along with CANYON. But, of course, I'm flexible on this since this is not all under my control.

In any case, if you're reading this, and program film slots, let's talk. It's a win, win.


Currently wrapping up the final post production on two long-form projects, both set for release in 2017, of which are titled MAN & THREE WORLDS respectively.

These works file under the umbrella of THREE MARKS, TOO MANY SIGNALS and include the 2016 MIRS visual album CANYON, released in Sept of 2016

They are grouped together for multiple reasons, most of which are not important for me to state on paper, though, I believe, will be somewhat self-evident upon inspection. Even maybe an ah-ha moment at a later date. As Ozu was once heard remarking, "The end of a film is its beginning". I stand firm on his statement, at this time.

This body of work is somewhat hard to define in the current media space as it exists today. MAN and THREE WORLDS are closely related to feature films, but, share some space with the concepts of internet defined new media, and also, classic single channel works. The division of labor hierarchy, a stalwart of fiction filmmaking was not really present, and nothing in the process was ever too familiar. Simply put, it was a bottom-up effort (of course, with ample help, without which, all three, non-existent). With that said, all three were created with different methodology, defined by their own individual worlds, under a larger, unified universe.

But, I am at the state where I do need to raise a bit of capital to see this through completely into a shippable, or at least, releasable product. Very little $$ comparatively, but enough so that I am seriously considering a CROWD FUNDING CAMPAIGN. In fact, unless someone comes along this week and puts up used car money, I'll go that route, not so begrudgingly anymore, because I think the urge to share overrides my conditioned response to crowd sourcing fiction. On second thought,  I hardly call these works fiction in the common language sense ( language is never 1 to 1) so most importantly betweeen the two parties involved, you need to see them, but first I must finish.

Also, to really ride #skininthegame to its conclusion, here is some prototype artwork for the projects. I have never shared this early in the art direction process, as art is historically done when presented in its final form. But, art is now software, as art is a product of its time and software has eaten the whole, entire fucking world in its time. Also, software is always beta.

So, here is my beta version artwork posters for the collective of THREE MARKS TOO MANY SIGNALS projects. These are again another collaborative effort with my long time friend, artist Ali Sabet who puts up with my art direction barking, which often gets reversed by better instincts. Note that CANYON is already released, but will be updated with a film poster as well to go along with the album art.   

 NOTE: Everything in this post is temporary. Except, the fact that the projects are releasing.


"way to go", was the last thing I heard from her.

it was over, like the proverbial blink of the eye.  no closure, nothing.  the pain, it was excruciating for a bit, but you know what, it was bound to happen anyway.  and I've always wanted to travel.

i was a Sagittarius and she was some other shit.  i forget which it was, maybe the crab or the bull, or whatever, but i know now, that we weren't compatible.

how come i didn't know that at first, like right of the bat. what a shame, a real life shame?  
she was real pretty though.  that part hurts the most, because, well, her personality wasn't as pretty.