
morning fuckery.

it's 5:37am.  why did my snooze button land on an odd number?  am i being tricked?

it's a bit dark outside, as I pull the curtain to see if other life forms exist at 5:38am.  a man get's into his old, red BMW across the street.  

man, he must have gotten a lot of pussy a decade or so ago, i quip.   

but then, maybe he's married and has three kids?  what the fuck do I know anyway(s).  

it's 5:39am.

Check List to Infinite

An observation that goes a little something like this -

Our "to do's" list fall mostly into two categories.  First up is "THE CHECKLIST’ER MASTURBATOR", a man/woman obsessed with the infinite busy nothings to the highest degree of pedantry, and the second, "THE BI-POLAR UP SWINGING ON A GOD COMPLEX"; a humanoid capable of all things and everything now, like right now.  

I find that on the occasions where I can find balance (center) I can get in the middle, and things generally get done at the rate and manner which is agreeable to universal laws.