Extensionism Origins Volume 0

this is where a cave, a human hand & technology intertwine in mono no aware. this is love turned binary & back. please join me in our journey towards shoshin, towards rebirth.

this page is a mix of both physical & digital works. some are only available in the world of form, some are only available in the world of binary. i have yet to sort everything. i know many are distrustful of digital tokens as art, i get it. i will never abandon the physical domain, but, i like to experiment in all spaces, and so, you, as a collector, can find a connection in any space you inhabit.

you can view some of these and other future works on
OpenSea & Foundation. i will set up a physical gallery when time allows.

eyelashes & ice cream

farah & the girls bar
edition 1/1
opening bid .24Ξ

i stepped into late spring, forgetting kyoto, forgetting everything
edition 1/1

i think of things, i think of you
edition 1/4

each day and everyway
edition 1/1
opening bid .088Ξ

(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ (o・_・)ノ”(ノ_<、) // Mage Prince Kaomoji
edition 1/1

<\> ~ = duplicate extensionism
edition 1/5
(Edition Genesis)

superposition // ghosts eat world
edition 1/4

late spring
edition 1/1

return to sender
edition 1/1

edition 1/1