New Film

"Three Worlds" Teaser Trailer Debuts

Three Worlds teaser trailer - Vimeo 

Three Worlds teaser trailer - Youtube

Khoobi (are you ok)

Slated as the first AYA release of 2011, Khoobi (are you ok) is at the tail end of post-production.  The picture is locked, and we just started the online edit (motion graphics, sound design, etc).  I've been blessed with an amazing team that I'm incredibly indebted too.  And a new member just joined, alleviating my final trepidations.

They all shall be named in the next update.

Looking at a May/June release, although, if I were to deliver it to the web first and forego the film festival route, I would predict a March release.

It's is a tricky world to navigate these days, but don't worry, I'll figure it out.

As for "what its about", well, just wait a bit.  Why spoil the fun.  I can say one thing with certainty; that in fact, I got my father to do old school hand drawn animation in one of the sequences.
